
It wasn’t until October of last year that I finally found a name for the chronic pain that has plagued me for the past five years. During this time, I’ve endured widespread pain throughout my body, chronic headaches, dizzy spells, sleep disturbances, numbness, and unexplained nausea. Unfortunately, my medical journey was marked by encounters with dismissive doctors who attributed my symptoms to mental causes.

As I battled these symptoms, my husband had to shoulder the responsibility of caring for our children while working from home, as I often found myself confined to bed. Recognizing the need for medical attention, I underwent a panel of blood tests ordered by my general practitioner. Despite most results appearing normal, elevated levels of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) hinted at an underlying issue.

Upon confiding in friends familiar with fibromyalgia, their certainty in my diagnosis was unwavering. They directed me to a doctor specializing in Osteopathic Medicine, exclusively catering to fibromyalgia patients. Finally, feeling heard and understood, I received validation for my struggles.

According to my doctor, fibromyalgia is characterized by a sensitive nervous system, often manifesting in joint and body aches, fatigue, dizziness, and cognitive difficulties. Moreover, she explained that both physical and emotional trauma could trigger fibromyalgia.

Receiving a fibromyalgia diagnosis was a pivotal moment for me, as it paved the way for treatment options like gabapentin, which significantly alleviated my symptoms and restored my energy levels. Nonetheless, the intricate relationship between fatigue and pain persisted, sometimes leaving me feeling depleted despite apparent vitality.

Moreover, acknowledging my fibromyalgia diagnosis allowed me to recalibrate my expectations and adopt a more forgiving approach toward myself. Recognizing the importance of pacing myself to prevent flare-ups became paramount, as pushing beyond my limits often resulted in debilitating crashes.

Describing the agony of flare-up days seems futile; they entail being confined to bed, battling excruciating pain, and feeling disconnected from the world. Attempting to articulate fibromyalgia to unfamiliar people feels akin to explaining snow to an octopus. Yet, sharing my experience sheds light on its daily impact and how I navigate it.

This journey imparted several invaluable lessons:

  • Trust your body; nobody knows it better than you. Listen to its cues.
  • Remain open-minded about potential diagnoses, as preconceived notions can hinder accurate medical assessment.
  • Extend grace to yourself and accept that some days will be more challenging than others.
  • Seek support from mental health professionals to cope with chronic pain’s emotional toll.
  • Acknowledge and address past traumas, as they may contribute to current health issues.

Understanding the link between childhood adversity and adult chronic illness underscores the importance of psychological care in managing both physical and emotional well-being. Prioritizing healthy relationships and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals can provide solace amidst the struggle.

My husband’s unwavering support and the compassion of close friends have been indispensable. They allow me to be vulnerable and offer encouragement during the most trying times.

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I was made for this. There’s a well in my soul, and You’re filling it. All my heart sings I am Yours as my spirit lifts up to You from my vocal chords.
